Monday, December 28, 2015

Moving, the breastmilk

Masih soal pindahan Jogja-Jakarta. Selain ribet ngurusin bayi-bayi buat perjalanan jauh, saya sama Sipa bingung mikirin gimana mengangkut ASIP kami berdua. 

Even so, kami suka tiba-tiba lupa gitu soal masalah itu. Saya memang ngerasa gampang linglung setelah melahirkan dan menyusui. Sipa juga ngerasa hal yang sama. Maybe it's just us, enggak tahu juga dah.

Anywhoo...semakin mepet tanggal kami boyongan ke Jakarta, kami akirnya kepaksa inget dan mikir juga.

1. Pakai pesawat
Opsi pertama, kirim via cargo pesawat. Dari blog walking, sebenernya opsi ini feasible banget. Kirim pagi nyampe malem. Tapi yang jadi masalah, kami enggak yakin dan enggak tega minta para suami jauh-jauh ke Soetta pulang kerja, terus balik lagi ke Jakarta Selatan. Besoknya kudu ngantor lagi. 

Dikirim pas weekend juga susah, karena para suami itu selalu pulang Jogja buat nengokin anak-anaknya.

Masalah kedua, enggak ada cukup freezer space buat nyimpen asi saya dan Sipa. Ya walaupun asi saya enggak pas-pasan, tapi hasil pompa asip 2-3 bulan ya mayan banyak juga. Apalagi asip nya Sipa yang memang banyak. 

2. Dipaketin pake J*E
Duluuuu banget, jaman masih single, saya sempet baca soal kurir asi. Memang konteksnya dalam kota, tapi ya kaleeee bisa. Habis imunisasi di JIH, kami mlipir ke counternya di mosis. Kata Sipa sih mbaknya bingung pas Sipa ngomong mau ngirim asip.

"Hah? Kirim asi mba?"

And it went for several circles. 😆😆 intinya ya enggak bisa

3. Dibawa pakai mobil
Ya akhirnya kami cuma bisa pake opsi terakir. Bawa asipnya pakai mobil, sekalian pas pindahan. 

Masalah tempat asip ini, sempet debat sama Yang Kung-nya. Yang Kung bilang, bawa aja pake dus dari gabus, diisi es kecil-kecil. Gampangnya kayak bawa ikan lah. Lhaaa??? Ciyus ituh??
Bayangin nyari gabus box nya aja udah pusing saya.

Akhirnya saya dan Sipa memutuskan nyewa freezer asi 18 liter di @kiddyfreezy. Sempet bingung gimana balikinnya dari Jakarta. Tapi dasar kami linglung, ya kan tinggal dikirim pake pos atau sejenisnya. Oke tempat asip, checked.

Next, masalah ice pack. Lagi-lagi karene mepet, enggak sempet tuh beli online. Padahal murah-murah. Akhirnya beli lah di toko bayi. Muter sampe 4 toko akirnya dapat 10 pack, tapi yang gede-gede. 

Next problem, masalah nginep. Huhuhuhu, masalahnya enggak kelar-kelar. 

Kami kan nginep semalem di Pekalongan. Sekalian ketemu sodara-sodara Yang Uti, plus takut the babies kecapekan.  

Lha gimana itu asipnya? Saya telp hotel yang kami booking, memastikan mereka punya kulkas atau enggak. Katanya ada. Deg-degan juga sih, soalnya asip kan harus di freezer, sementara kulkas hotel kan yang kotak kecil itu.

Akirnya pas hari boyongan. Sempet heboh karena ice packnya dan asip di plastik beku enggak berbentuk kayak batu kali. Padahal space nya terbatas. Tapi akirnya bisa diakalin Yang Kung dan para Papa. 

Jadi tahu lah, besok lagi kalau nyimpen asip di plastik atau ice pack, yang pipih. Jangan asal dimasukkin. 

Ice pack yang dipakai sekitar 4-6 buah. Bentuknya dilayer kayak lasagna. Jadi botol, tumpuk ice pack, botol lagi, ice pack lagi. Plus asip plastik dislesepin. As expected, enggak cukup. Harus 2 kloter. Yah pikirin nanti lah. Pokoknya ada stok asip buat Rafa, karena Sipa udah mau masuk kerja.

Sampai di Pekalongan, kami cek in hotel. Terus entah siapa gitu mencetuskan ide, coba tanya hotel, boleh titipin freezer hotel enggak.

Pas nanya, BOLEH LOH!!! Happy happy... Pihak hotel cuma minta, kami nitipinnya satu box itu, enggak dibuka. Ya malahane. Makin praktis. 

Saya memang pernah baca kalau asip katanya enggak boleh dicampur daging atau makanan lain. Tapi kami enggak ada pilihan. Daripada cair. 

Dan akhirnya asip kami pun sampai Jakarta dengan selamat. Enggak cair. Dan udah banyak yang diminum Rafa. Alhamdulilah tetep sehat. ☺️☺️☺️

Seminggu kemudian Yang Kung ada urusan dan harus balik Jogja. Sekalian lah balikin freezer nya ke Kiddyfreezy. Dan bawa asip kloter kedua pake cooler bag pigeon. Yang ini pakai kereta, 8 jam dan enggak cair juga. Alhamdulilah...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Moving: the trip

Pindah itu stressful. 

Pindahan sama bayi... enggak kelar-kelar. 

Let's go back a little. About 2 weeks ago, my small family, my sis family, and our parents finally move to Jakarta from Yogyakarta.

Dan pindahan sama 2 bayi (usia 3 bulan dan 2 bulan) itu ternyata ribet. Dari semua moda transportasi, kami berenam sepakat pakai mobil. Not a good decision apparently 😔😔

+ bebas, Zedd mau nangis, ngamuk, pipis, enggak ada yang keganggu. Enggak perlu kawatir dipliri'in penumpang-penumpang lain. 

+ bagasi juga bebas. Bebas disini maksudnya saya bebas bawa coolex box 18 liter buat diisi ASIP saya plus ASIP nya Sipa. Saya dan Sipa juga bisa bawa stroller, yang mana stroller Zedd and Rafa itu mayan gede, Babyelle X-plorer and Cocolatte X- Trip (enggak yakin sama tipenya).

+ space paling luas dibanding pesawat atau kereta. Setelah sempet galau mau pakai car seat atau pakai sistem kasur ala Yang Kung, akhirnya  Yang Kung yang menang. Walaupun enggak sesuai standar keamanan bule-bule, baby Zedd imo kelihatan lebih nyaman di kasur. Kalau naik kereta atau pesawat, kayaknya itu kasur enggak akan muat deh. At one point, kasur itu bisa sekalian buat ganti popok. Rafa yang ada di mobil 2, kadang pindah ke mobil 1 buat ganti popok. 

Minusnya perjalanan sama bayi naik mobil

- lama... Jogja-Jakarta standarnya emang udah 8-10 jam perjalanan. Karena bawa baby Zedd and baby Rafa. Akhirnya diputuskan nginep di Pekalongan, sekalian ketemu sodara-sodaranya Yang Uti. Ya jadi 2 hari lah. Berangkat dari Jogja, Sabtu pagi. Nyampe Jakarta Minggu malem. 

- deg-degan masalah ASIP. As many mommies already know. ASIP itu rentan banget rusak. Alhamdulilah semua ASIP bisa sampai Jakarta masih dalam keadaan beku. 

Belakangan saya ngerasa mending naek pesawat. Cuma 1 jam. Kalaupun  baby Zedd rewel atau ngompol, terus saya dipelototin, ya kan cuma 1 jam. Kayaknya ASIP juga bakal lebih aman. Cuma stroller yang enggak tahu gimana nasibnya.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Breastfeeding journey 2: No botol dot mommy!!

Masalah menyusui ini kayak jerawat pas lagi mau M. Ilang satu, muncul lagi di tempat lain.

Setelah masalah bingung puting, latch on, dan supply yang menurun, baby Zedd dan saya berhadapan dengan masalah baru.

Yep, he refuses to drink my breastmilk from bottle. Halah halah, udah heboh konsumsi booster asi sampe 3-5 macem per hari. Pumping juga bisa tiap 2-3 jam. Stok asip alhamdulilah banget udah mayan.

Eh juragan Zedd ini enggak mau minum dong.

I'm actually a full time mom, so I don't REALLY need to stock my milk. Asi perah yang saya pompa dengan penuh perjuangan itu, sebenarnya buat jaga-jaga plus to keep my supply aja.

Jaga-jaga nya itu siapa tau produksi saya menurun karena satu dan lain hal. Baca beberapa blog and forum, ada mommies yang supply asi nya menurun. So better safe than sorry.

Bonusnya, Zedd bisa ditinggal di eyangnya buat date night sama Popo. Hehehe. Fyi, I do believe that hubby and I still need to get 'our time.'

Back to si pipi bakpao, saya sama eyang dan mbah plus daddy nya, masih usaha supaya dia mau botol.

Mulai dari nyoba botol lain (selama ini Zedd pake pigeon). Nyobain tommee tippee, enggak mau. Padahal bentuknya udah persis sama bentuk payudara. Just last weekend daddy nya beliin botol avent, tetep ngamuk-ngamuk. 

Pernah nyoba cup feeder, malah asipnya mlbeber mbleber. Sedih... 😭😭😭 

Yang belum dicoba itu botol mimijumi yang harganya 300ribuan. Sama medela soft cup yang lebih mahal lagi. 

Kalau mau dipaksain sih, bisa aja beli. Tapi kalau enggak kepake, kan sayang.

Dari dua minggu Zedd mogok botol, sempet mau ngenyot 2 kali. 

- waktu itu dia udah mulai ngamuk, terus diajak ngobrol (bahasa jawanya dililing/dikudang), eh lama-lama mau. Sayang waktu itu botolnya cuma keisi 20 ml karena saya kapok ngangetin banyak tapi akirnya dibuang. Begitu saya ngangetin asip lagi, momennya lewat. Dia pun ngamuk lagi. 

- sehari setelah itu, nyoba lagi dikudang, eh enggak bisa. 😔😔😔 yaudah baliklah dia nenen langsung. Tapi disela-sela dia ngantuk, saya ganti botol, Zedd mau. Tapi ya karena asip nya dikit, kehilangan momen lagi. 

But still, kalau ada yang saya pelajari dari menyusui, itu bersyukur.

Dipompa dapet sedikit. bersyukur masih bisa keluar ASI nya walaupun 10-20 ml.

Menyusui sakit sampai lecet, kadang malah berdarah. Bersyukur baby Zedd masih bisa latch on. 

Sekarang pun, saya sangat bersyukur karena Zedd masih bisa menyusu langsung. Apalagi kalau inget jaman Zedd baru lahir dan dia bingung puting.

Cuma saya kadang miris aja kalau lihat Zedd rewel karena dari sore-malam, PD saya kempes. 

Mentok-mentok ya asip nya di sendokin. Sambil pelan-pelan belajar minum dari cup feeder. 

Target tetep asix (asi eksklusif) 6 bulan. Ini udah separo jalan. Syukur-syukur bisa sampai 2 tahun. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My breasfeeding journey

Setelah lamaaaa enggak nulis, tiba-tiba ada dorongan buat nulis soal breastfeeding. 

Mungkin karena ini so far the hardest thing i've been doing my whole life. Dan waktu itu baca-baca blog banyak ngebantu. Moga-moga tulisan random ini bisa membantu emak-emak lain yang juga susah menyusui.

Awalnya enggak pernah mikir breastfeeding itu susah. Lha wong pas hamil juga sama sekali enggak nyusahin. 

Satu-satunya kekhawatiran justru asi yang enggak keluar. Tapi dulu sempet ngobrol sama orang AIMI, intinya justru harus pede. Tanya mama and mama mertua juga, dulu enggak bermasalah sama asi atau breastfeeding. Yasud, saya santai aja.

Day 1 paska SC, alhamdulilah asi saya keluar. Payudara juga bengkak. Masalahnya payudara saya itu flat nipple. Bukannya ditarik atau gimana, saya malah diminta pake nipple shield. Katanya nanti itu bikin putingnya keluar in just 2-3 days.

Next, udah kebaca dong??? Bukannya puting keluar. Baby Zedd malah bingung puting. Pake nipple shield juga bikin puting lecet, bahkan pernah berdarah sekali.

Sampe sekitar semingguan, saya and Baby Zedd masih sama-sama struggle. Tiap sesi menyusui saya senewen dan i think he was stress too, soalnya nangis kenceng banget. 

Puncaknya waktu itu udah seminggu lebih tapi kok enggak kayak yang dijanjikan, nipple enggak keluar, nyusuin juga makin painful.

Akhirnya tengah malem setelah another stressful and painful breastfeeding session, saya googling klinik laktasi di Jogja. Ketemu dua, di Panti Rapih and Bethesda. Saya pilih Panti Rapih asal aja. Toh dua RS itu deket rumah. 

Paginya dianter mama papa, saya and baby Zedd ke Panti Rapih. Alhamdulilah enggak ada antrian dan langsung masuk. Ketemu ibu bidan yang baikkkkk banget. Dia ngajarin cara latch on yang bener dan disitu berasa dapet epiphany deh. 

Oalah ternyata nyusuin itu enggak painful loh!!! Payudara saya yang bengkak juga langsung dipompa dan dapet 2 botol 150 ml. Duh makannya berat banget dipake jalan. I carried 300 ml milk. Alhamdulilah enggak sampe mastitis.

Apa masalahnya selesai? Enggak lah. Begitu sampe rumah, tidak seindah di klinik laktasi. Baby Zedd masih ngamuk kalau disusuin. Dia malah lebih milih tidur kelaperan. Kenapa saya tau dia kelaperan? Karena selama sehari itu popoknya bersih!! 

Malamnya, setelah nyoba berkali-kali dari pagi, baby Zedd masih enggak mau nyusu. Tapi kalo disendokin asip mau. I finally burst into tears that night. Berasa gagal jadi ibu karena gagal nyusuin baby Zedd dan sedih banget liat dia nangis-nangis kelaparan. 

Alhamdulilah mama support banget. Instead of giving formula, she said she would accompany me to lactation clinic again.

Akhirnya selama 3 hari berturut-turut kami ke klinik laktasi. Sempet ke yang di Bethesda karena di Panti Rapih antri nya lumayan.

Habis itu, things slowly got better. Baby Zedd bisa latch on setelah 20 menit gelutan. Saya sih masih kesakitan, but at least he could drink my milk. 

Sekarang umur Baby Zedd hampir 2 bulan. Sejak kunjungan ke klinik laktasi itu, dia masih sering salah latch on, saya juga salah memposisikan diri (menyusui ini bener-bener posisi menentukan prestasi banget deh). 

Saya masih suka mringis kesakitan kalau dia nyusu. Kadang saya juga masih mangis saking nyerinya. But, this too shall past. Slowly but sure.

Yah minimal, sekarang kalau denger dia nangis, saya udah enggak takut. Yes, i was scared with my own baby. 

Terus selesai masalahnya? Ternyata enggak loh. 

Giliran baby Zedd udah nyusu dengan baik dan benar, eh produksi ASI saya turun. Baby Zedd jadi enggak kenyang trus jadi rewel abis.

Dulu dikit-dikit payudara penuh, sekarang jaraaaaaang banget. Sekalinya penuh, langsung abis dimimik baby Zedd, dan cuma bisa bikin dia kenyang 2 jam aja.

Jadilah sekarang konsumsi berbagai booster, dari Mama Soya ya rasanya yahud, sampe milmore yang sukses bikin saya gerah. Alhamdulilah mulai ada peningkatan produksi. Ini masih mau coba lactasip, karena saya kok ngerasa baby Zedd masih sering enggak kenyang. 

Baru 2 bulan. Masih panjang perjuangan sampai ke 2 tahun.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mari ngemil…
Waktu bu dokter bilang, “banyakin makan buah, jus, sama es krim ya bu.”
Rasanya langsung melayang – View on Path.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Thought via Path

Week 28, hasil kontrol pagi ini.

Dokter: mba ini posisi bayinya belum bener yah.

Aku: oh jadi saya harus senam hamil dok? (Baca dimana nek senam hamil bisa benerin posisi bayi)

Dokter: jangan. Nungging aja sehari 1 jam.

Aku: 😑😑😑😑 – Read on Path.

Thank you for the love aunties @nadaalech_nemesis and @yosita.hendra… 😘😘😘

My hubby is just as pregnant as i am 😝😝😝

Thank you blackrose 😍😍😍

#Repost with @repostapp.
Mitoni ( acara 7 bulanan )
Nadia @nadiasarasati & Popo
Babies are like little sun that in a magical way , bring warmth happiness and light in to our lives 😊😊

Sunday, June 7, 2015

While waiting for #sungkeman process 😝😝. This was part of my #mitoni, which basically was a traditional javanese #babyshower, event a couple of days ago. Still feels mixed up with the fact that my bump was kinda too small for 7 months of #pregnancy.
Big thanks for lil sis @chypa and @erifky for the photos.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 25 of my #pregnancy and i am starting to feel a lil bit uncomfortable, especially when i try to sleep. I cant sleep while lying straight like a dead body, yet everytime i move around, my hip hurt. So my lovely hubby bought me this #maternitypillow online and its HUGE. Its fluffy and comfy, but HUGE (my ipad looks so tiny compare to it). I sleep better now. I just have to think how to pack this pillow when i travel to Jogja next week. 😤😤 anywho, hubby seems to enjoy it so much. #photogrid @photogridorg

Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Pasar Mayestik experience

So my mitoni is around the corner and i think all preparation are almost done, thanks to my very helpful in laws and parents.

Hehehe i guess all four parents are just so excited because junior will be their first grandchild.

Even so, hubby and i still need to do one thing on our own: making our own matching outfit, traditional javanese kebaya for me and the sorjan for him.

We cant afford trips to go back and forth to Jogja, so we decided to just buy the fabric and make the outfit here.

I choice the infamous Pasar Mayestik after years of blog walking about Kebaya fabric. It is famous for its wide price ranges and choices.

Last week on Saturday morning at around 8.30 a.m, we drove there. Thankfully the traffic was still okay. But the parking was not 😞😞

When I arrived there, I was a lil surprised. I thought I will be looking for fabric in a mall building, like in Tanah Abang or Thamrin City, but I wasn’t.

Apparently all the famous fabric stores I read on the blogs, like Fancy and Mumbay, are located outside the center big building. So this pregnant lady had to walk around the market area with all the pollution and heat (both from the sun and the cars) for the fabric.

Usually, sorjan is made from fabric with big flowers pattern on it, which was ssooo hard to find there. I went from the famous stores to random stores to look for it, still no right flowery fabric.

Until I saw the Silk Route. I learned from many blogs that it was famous and quite expensive (I had very very small budget of Rp 200,000 - 300,000 for 4-5 meters of fabric). The store looks more luxurious than other store, so I didn’t feel like going in…considering my budget. But hubby said what’s the harm in looking.

And thank you hubby for that 😍😍😍

Who knew the store had the fabric I wanted and the price was in my budget.

We bought 4 meters of fabric, 2 for my Kebaya and 2 for his sorjan, for Rp 260,000. And then we went back to the big center building to look for (cheap) designer/seamstress which scattered in the second and third floor of the building.

After super quick scheming through the floor, I saw this store which had many sewing machines and workers, too many that they took over some spaces outside the store. The name of the store was Elegant.

I chatted with a lady there who I believe was the owner. Loved the price and quick processing time, and I decided to just make my Kebaya there.

I spent Rp 250,000 for Kebaya kutu baru that was scheduled to be done within one week. Awesome!!

As for hubby, we decided to send his fabric to jogja and make his sorjan there. Simply because we didn’t see any sorjan sample in the Mayestik and, even with the additional shipping cost, the price in jogja would still be cheaper (I believed he said around Rp 90,000 - 150,000). Besides, he didn’t need specific measurements as I did with my growing belly.

Friday, May 15, 2015

#latepost when i enjoyed #taiyaki (i believe that’s the name) for #dessert. Found this place when i strolled around Kokas with my pregnant sis and my bro in law. Makasih traktirannya yaaahhh guys…

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 24, preparing mitoni

My 24th week. The bump is getting bigger, slightly.

And now i’m preparing my baby shower, which will be held in a traditional javanese event called mitoni.

Honestly i dont really know what or how the event will be because i never see or attend any mitoni my whole life.

What i know so far are,
-the time for mitoni is when the mother is 7 months pregnant.
-it is only for the first child, so i guess this is my only mitoni for the rest of my life?
-there will be a siraman, in which i am showered with some special water (i believe it come from different sources/places)
-and somehow i have to change clothes 7 times. (I really need to read more about this 😣😣😣😣)

Since the event will be held in jogja, i really cant do much here from jakarta. My parents handle all the hustle hustle in jogja.

We already have the dukun which understand the mitoni and will guide us through the whole process.

The same dukun will also set decoration for the siraman, which i believe will be filled with jasmine.

Hubby is still looking for photographer.

And we still need to get matching outfit, kebaya and sorjan, for hubby and i.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thought via Path

Seneng banget deh datang ultahnya spupu… Ditraktir makan enak n dapet kue. Bonusnya, ada beberapa yg bilang mukaku kayak anak sma ☺️☺️☺️, pada kaget pas tau hamil. Hamdalah 😇😇😇 – Read on Path.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

At Central Park

Me: mas, ladies parkingnya di mana?
Mas2: naek aja mba, di P8
Me: (buset, tinggi bener 😨😨😨). Saya gak bisa nyetir naik mas.
Mas2: yauda, turun aja mba.

Moral of the story: plis jangan bikin ibu hamil go all that way up. I’d rather lie about it. – at Central Park – See on Path.

Thought via Path

Him: sayang, kamu kalo lahiran nanti jangan pas closing yah.
Me: yaahhh HPL nya akir bulan hon.
Him: dimundurin aja jadi tanggal 5…

Derita punya suami #workaholic 😭😭😭😭 with shifa, yosita, and Failasufa – Read on Path.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Thought via Path

Jadi tadi pagi pas lagi masak sahur, my beloved husband nglilir and bilang mau nemenin sahur, walopun dia gak puasa. Minta dibangunin pas makanannya udah jadi.

Heran… Kok tumben baik banget??

Ternyata abis nemenin makan saur, dia buka laptop buat ngerjain kerjaannya. 😑😑😑😑

Ini sih bukan nemenin saur, tapi minta dibangunin buat kerja. Once a #workaholic, always a workaholic. 😒😒😒😒 – Read on Path.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thought via Path

Being pregnant at the same time with my lil sis has been awesome so far. Until… you realize the gender of the two babies are probably the same.

Me: dek aku udah nemu nama nih, xxxxx, tapi popo blum manteb.

Her: eh apik kui, ta'pake aja ya.

Me: … (Seriously, no emoticon can describe it)

Ini kayak situasi rachel and monica deh. 😑😑😑
Dibs on the name yah dek!!! with shifa – Read on Path.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Cause mommy needs both #pancake and #waffle (at Pancious Grand Indonesia)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Better late than never. Cute story: pas antre mayan panjang sendirian, tau2 dicolek satpam
“Mba, itu counter sebelah sana kosong.”

😁😁😁 langsung lah dapet tiket. Kasian kali tu bapak security ngeliatin ibu hamil antre sendirian. Mulai merasakan enaknya buncit. Kayaknya kapan2 naek bus atau krl asik kali yak? Langsung dikasi tempat duduk. 😈😈

Sipa: enak dek tempatnya. Ga rame2 amat. Trus yang paling penting murah tiketnya, libur 35rb. Masih harga perkenalan kali ya??? with shifa and Yanuar Adrian at Cinemaxx – View on Path.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Our late #honeymoon in Bali last year. We went there for holiday and also tried to get #pregnant. Apparently, i was already 3 weeks pregnant at that time 😂😂😂… Without knowing it, we traveled from one place to another, riding motorcycle, and didnt care about the weather. Most of the days, we left out hotel early in the morning and arrived late at night. I was super tired. I am trully blessed and thankful as i learned that my baby was healthy (so far) despite all of those activities during that trip.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

18 weeks and counting…
Komentar mertua: kurus banget buat hamil 4 bulan

Komentar mama: kamu kayak orang cacingan mba 😑😑😑😑 at Amaris Hotel Pancoran – View on Path.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Week 16, flu, bed rest, and oranges

I’m entering my 16th week of pregnancy by having a severe influenza. I had a fever, cough, and runny nose. It was ugly. 

It is a common knowledge for expecting mothers that we cannot take any medicine. My doctor even said “there’s no safe medicine for expecting women, so please make sure you’re not sick.”

After suffering 2 days with fever, I went to see my doctor a week early from our original appointment. As usual, I went to Jogjakarta International Hospital (JIH) to see dr. Enny.

It’s been like my fourth and fifth time seeing her and i like her. She did gave me a lot of donts but somehow I feel safer that way, if that’s even make sense. 

Anywho, she told me to take some medicine and to eat fruit more. Yes, she is always telling me to keep consuming fruit, which is great because i prefer fruit than carbs during my pregnancy (somehow the carbs just make me feel nauseous).

And as detail as she always is, she said to consume more oranges. “Consume like 1 kilogram of oranges per day for three days. So Mrs. Grandmother (my mom) please buy 3 kilograms of oranges and blend them so the mother can consume it easily as juice.”

This is my third day with 1 kg of oranges and now I feel nauseous seeing oranges :(

But, hey I do feel a lot lot better in my third day. I dont know if it was the oranges, or the medicine, or the bed rest thing. It just worked. Hhhmm… fruit rather than medicine?? nice touch doc…

Dr. Enny also told me to get 2 days of bed rest, meaning I can only get up if i need to go to bathroom or to eat. I cannot do any work, even housework. My mom, who sat next to me,  leered at me and smirk as if she says “yeah, like you do any housework.” Ehehehe… love my mom so much deh mah…

And of course I just had to disobey that advice. In the evening at the very same day, I went out with my parents for dinner. And guess what, I felt like passing out after a couple of hours. We ended up canceling our dinner and went home directly. 

Then I realized I misunderstood the concept of bed rest. I thought it was for the safety of the baby, but it turned out it was for the mother. 

Despite everything, my baby is super healthy, said dr. Enny. She said my baby was very active as he/she kept moving in my belly. Alhamdulilah is all i can say because, honestly, sometimes I forgot to take my vitamins and I also ate junk food. So sorry baby, and thank you for being so healthy for me and you daddy. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Probably last tea time with this beautiful bride to be. And she will fly to Lampung as Mrs. Pradiepta. Happy but sad at the same time. I hope, one day we can have this routine tea time again yah girls… Beberapa tahun lagi mungkin, sambil bawa baby masing2 😉😉😉😊😊😊 with Mala and Shinta at Tickles Cafe & Resto – View on Path.

Monday, March 9, 2015

#chickenmaryland #steak for .. Eehhmmm supper … Dinner… Yah gitulah

Week 15 and (still) no bump

I don’t know about other places, but here in my home country Indonesia. Women should get married before getting pregnant. 

And for those who got knocked up and hide their pregnancy, I guess having no bump like me is a good thing. 

But I kinda wish for the bump to show up. So i can ask for special seat in a bus/train, or i can ask people to not smoking near me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind standing in a bus or train, but pregnant women don’t lie when they say they don’t have many strength as they’re used to.

I still throw up every morning and it is hurrrtttt. I feel like the baby punching and kicking my stomach that I almost can’t stand up. Maybe this is a coincidence, but after i rub my belly and said “baby, mommy is hurting here. please stop punching me.” The pain stops. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Another era ended as my bestfriend @k_adyasari graduated and got a new job in Jakarta. I know i can meet her again once i’m back to the capital, but without the other girls, it just won’t be the same. It’ll he great if @yosita.hendra anin and desy join us to Jakarta as well *finger crossed.* Good luck dear Dyas!!! I hope the public work ministry will treat you well. Xoxo

#waffle for dinner. This waffle looks so much like the one in PGP right @iamwaiyanyip ? So glad to finally found this in Jogja

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Second trimester, week 13

Feeling super happy because my baby is healthy. My doctor, dr Enny Pamudji from JIH, said that the baby is very active which meant i drank enough fluid and took good care of myself.

okay, honestly,,,, i didn’t really ate healthy food like all the time. Sometimes I ate junk food and indomie. Some people were surprised, but i guess the baby is really really strong. saying Alhamdulilah seems just not enough for my baby’s health. Please keep being strong lil kid.  

the frequency of me puking has been decreasing. but i still have no appetite. and dr. Enny told me to gain at least 2 kg every month. or around 12 kg in total. hhhmmm… not sure how i can do that. 

my doctor also limited my travel time to twice until the labor time. so i guess i’m going to go back to Jakarta in April and spend my second trimester there with hubby. before going back to Jogja in my third trimester.

Owh, and my belly is more likely the same. don’t have the bump yet. 

#week13 of my #pregnancy and the baby is very active, well according my doctor. And, not that i dont believe my doctor… But when she told me: “okay thats the heart, stomach, lung, bla bla bla…” I was like “huh? Isnt that all just grey and black?” Cc: @sojiropopo

Saturday, February 7, 2015

First trimester

First of all Bismillah…

As a javanese, or Indonesian… not so sure about this, there is this saying about not announcing or talking about pregnancy until it reaches 3 months or around 12 weeks or “else.” I’m on my 11th now so.. *finger crossed.*

Usually I’m not the type of person who believes in superstitions. But this is for my baby, so i just dont wanna risk it. 

Anywho, I’m in the mood to write about it.  

So in the very first week:

I was actually on my super late honeymoon in Bali. I didn’t know I was pregnant so hubby and I just went ahead to enjoy our holiday. I rode motorcycle from morning until evening, going from one tourist spot to another. Not a good example for pregnant women. Thank goodness nothing happened. As for my body, I didn’t feel nausea nor did I vomit, which explained why I didn’t realize I was pregnant. I was just, hungry, like all the time. i ate twice as much and I must say I also didn’t aware of that. Not until hubby kept saying he was full while I was still hungry. Then I thought, maybe I just had a thing with balinese food :p

Second to around Fourth week:

We went to the doctor and it was positive. I’m pregnant. Still no nausea and vomit. But i did fart a lot. I also felt sleepy most of the days. And I was still hungry but had no appetite for any food in Jakarta. I wanted to eat many food in my hometown, Yogyakarta, instead. So I decided to stay with my parents for a while. It was good as I had my appetite back.

Fifth to tenth weeks:

This is where it gets tricky. I just dont feel like eating. And somehow I had no energy. Since I was so bored at home, I went outside just to freshen up. I went to my campus, met some friends, shopping, and other activities. But after around 2-3 hours, I just felt so sleepy and had no energy. So I started keeping snacks in my bag because, apparently, I need to eat something every 2-3 hours.

Tenth to eleventh weeks:

The nausea finally kicks in. I vomit daily. Still had no energy and no appetite. My weight is actually decreasing by 2 kg. My doctor said it was normal. She also said I didn’t need to eat a lot if my nausea got worse. Just make sure to drink at least 6 glass of water or juice and the baby will grow just fine. I actually tried once to push myself to eat despite the nausea and i vomited immediately after I ate, so i stopped doing that and just listen to my doctor’s advice.

I’m about to enter my second trimester in a week or so. Hopefully I will get my strength back because I hate doing nothing. And I wish i can eat some of the foods that I cannot eat right now. I really really want to eat durian pancake, but durian is bad for expecting mother. 

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  Udah hampir balik, malah baru update soal berangkat. Hehehehe…. Nasib mamak 2 anak tanpa ART ya gini deh, sok sibuk. But here I am, nulis ...