Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mari ngemil…
Waktu bu dokter bilang, “banyakin makan buah, jus, sama es krim ya bu.”
Rasanya langsung melayang – View on Path.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Thought via Path

Week 28, hasil kontrol pagi ini.

Dokter: mba ini posisi bayinya belum bener yah.

Aku: oh jadi saya harus senam hamil dok? (Baca dimana nek senam hamil bisa benerin posisi bayi)

Dokter: jangan. Nungging aja sehari 1 jam.

Aku: 😑😑😑😑 – Read on Path.

Thank you for the love aunties @nadaalech_nemesis and @yosita.hendra… 😘😘😘

My hubby is just as pregnant as i am 😝😝😝

Thank you blackrose 😍😍😍

#Repost with @repostapp.
Mitoni ( acara 7 bulanan )
Nadia @nadiasarasati & Popo
Babies are like little sun that in a magical way , bring warmth happiness and light in to our lives 😊😊

Sunday, June 7, 2015

While waiting for #sungkeman process 😝😝. This was part of my #mitoni, which basically was a traditional javanese #babyshower, event a couple of days ago. Still feels mixed up with the fact that my bump was kinda too small for 7 months of #pregnancy.
Big thanks for lil sis @chypa and @erifky for the photos.

Tentang Bawa Keluarga ke Belanda dengan beasiswa LPDP

  Udah hampir balik, malah baru update soal berangkat. Hehehehe…. Nasib mamak 2 anak tanpa ART ya gini deh, sok sibuk. But here I am, nulis ...